American Products

How is American Fanta Different Compared to the one in the UK?


No, we are not going battle mode with the ‘vs’ title because there is a little history to this iconic drink. Alright, get on board as we travel through time, facts, pop culture, and much more on today’s blog and of course. How the version of American Fanta that is manufactured in the United States differs from the version that is sold throughout Europe.

What’s the Catch? – American Fanta

Fanta is a widely recognized carbonated beverage brand owned and distributed by Coca-Cola that features an orange flavour. On the other hand, if you’ve ever tried Fanta in a number of different countries, you’ve probably observed that it doesn’t have the same flavour.

In point of fact, US and UK Fanta are very different from one another, although they may have an impression on the flavour profiles and just about how much you enjoy drinking the soda.

The Sugar

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that whether it be candy or drinks, Americans are legendary for just adding on that extra sugar to their products. And they have garnered both reputation and fans from all over the globe. However, the amount of sugar that is in American and British varieties of Fanta contributes significantly to the flavour differences between the two varieties. UK Fanta has a sugar level of 4.6g per 100ml. Which is well below the limit for what is known as the “sugar tax”.

Damn, tax for sugar? That’s right! This tax places a levy on beverages that contain a lot of sugar. The American version of Fanta, on the other hand, has 11.8 grams of sugar per 100 millilitres. Which is over three times as much as the sugar level of the British version. Because of this, American Fanta is more sugary and smooth than its equivalent in the United Kingdom, which is more sour and sparkling.


A further cause for the difference in flavour between UK Fanta and American Fanta is the amount of orange juice. That is contained for each can. According to their respective recipes, Fanta sold in the United Kingdom has 3.7% orange juice. Whereas Fanta sold in the United States contains 12% orange juice.

This translates to the fact that American Fanta has a flavour that is more natural and fruity than the flavour of UK Fanta. And also the reason for all the extra sugar! However, this may attract some consumers in particular.

So, Which one to Choose?

It’s only reasonable that certain people would prefer one version over the other for a variety of reasons. Given that everyone has their own personal, unique, and original sense of taste. Some people may enjoy the artificial and carbonated flavour of UK Fanta. While others may favour the rich and smooth flavour of American Fanta.

Some people may be swayed by sentimentality and familiarity. As they may associate a certain flavour of Fanta with the adventures they had when they were younger or while they were travelling.

american fantaThis could be a factor in the decision-making process for these people. Even though they are sold under the same name in both the United States and the United Kingdom. American Fanta and UK Fanta are not the same beverage. Despite sharing the same name and brand.

You can give them both a try and determine for yourself. Which one is more to your liking and if you are interested in comparing them to one another. And finding out which one is better. It is possible that you may be surprised. By how much of a difference can be produced with only a little bit of sugar and juice.

Where to Buy American Fanta in the UK?

There is a fantastic assortment of Fanta varieties from both the United States and the United Kingdom available at UK Corner Shop. We have a great collection available for you to choose from. Whether you are searching for the classic orange Fanta or something more out of the ordinary like grape or pineapple. If you buy Fanta from UK Corner Shop, you can take advantage of the reasonable pricing we provide and the straightforward ordering process they offer.

One of the advantages of purchasing Fanta from UK Corner Shop. Is the ability to take advantage of a comprehensive selection of flavours at a one location for your convenience. You can save time and money by perusing the inventory at UK Corner Shop.

To identify your preferred flavours, and then placing a single order for all of them. Rather than making separate trips to a number of different shops. This will not only save you time and money, but it will also guarantee that you will always have your product.

The biggest advantage of getting Fanta from UK Corner Shop is that you have the option to buy it in large quantities. If you are a fan of Fanta or if you are planning on hosting a party or event. Purchasing your favourite beverages in bulk can be an efficient and cost-saving method to stock up on supplies. This is especially helpful for those who are handling a business. Or a restaurant and need to keep their inventory well-stocked.

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