Household Items


bbq charcoal

In today’s blog, let’s talk bbq charcoal. They have been used by the people for a very long time. And it may even be traced back to the prehistoric ages. Nevertheless, why do people still use them today. Especially considering how significantly the world has evolved with the never-ending advent of modern innovations? Well, there are specific advantages towards using them and apparently a taste difference? Or is it just a myth that has been forgotten in time? Let’s find out. Charcoal is still popularly used at restaurants and houses alike, thanks to BBQ lovers. But again, it’s the 21st century. And therefore, there are a lot of factors to consider when selecting the right charcoal for your next BBQ celebration!

Who still uses BBQ Charcoal?

Yes, the most important question. I mean, we’re well beyond the point where everyone’s transitioning to electric, and gas grills are beginning to appear like relics from the past. What about charcoal, though? Apparently, there are still enthusiasts that believe in the integrity of its flavour profile and appreciate its provenance. Though I usually have trouble telling the difference, when it comes to flavouring, I do often prefer the flavour of the charcoal-grilled variety compared to the much more traditional one.

Do you ever contemplate the mystery behind the superior flavour produced by charcoal grills? As it turns out, the secret lies in using it at a higher temperature. Charcoal grilling gives a truly one-of-a-kind flavour to meat, turkey, and vegetables because the juices run off and drip into the hot coals, where they turn into flavorful steam and smoke that sticks right back at it. As a result, you get the delicious char sensation in your taste buds.

Does BBQ Charcoal contribute to being healthy?

The next step would be to determine whether apart from giving a good taste, does charcoal have health benefits or are there any negative effects towards it? Yes, it’s true that there is a much higher carbon footprint in using charcoal than gas grills and other alternatives. And the smoke is dangerous for people, especially for young ones and expecting mothers. Thus, is it reasonable to assume that charcoal is just downright bad and one shouldn’t use it? No.

Observing some basic safety measures and guidelines will undoubtedly lead to a more satisfying barbecue experience. For instance, leaving the hood open, swapping the charcoal after an hour and changing into clean clothes when you return back home. It appears that we are the only ones taking any kind of action and safety measures. That isn’t fair though, right? And that’s exactly when players like Big K come into the game.

What is good Charcoal?

There are numerous characteristics that go into producing a good coal, and picking out the perfect ones might be a little bit challenging. But don’t worry, we will explain which ones you must steer clear of so that you may select the proper ones and have a good time.  You’ll have two options at hand, the first of which is Lumpwood, and the second is Briquettes. Have a difficult time deciding? Well, both the choices have their own set of perks as well as drawbacks.

Why Lumpwood is a better Option?

Yet, this does not indicate that one category is preferable to another as each category has its very own set of fans. We can already feel those who like briquettes are going to like this verdict. Lumpwood is the best type of charcoal as it can burn at a higher temperature than briquettes and this is a key aspect to consider if you want to relish the complete BBQ experience.

bbq charcoalNevertheless, despite the fact that briquettes do not burn at the highest temperature, they are still able to endure much longer than lumpwood and are an excellent companion for an evening spent with friends. It also takes longer to prepare but is more cost effective in the long run. If you don’t mind spending the extra pounds, we highly recommend the lumpwood charcoal. It’s the best kind of charcoal you can get in the market today.

Big K Charcoal

Among the several types of bbq charcoal available, Lumpwood BBQ Charcoal is the most popular among grilling enthusiasts. Alright, let’s get this party started. Charcoal made from lump wood is extremely flammable. Furthermore, after being ignited, all residual pollutants are rapidly destroyed. Lumpwood charcoal is perfect for those times when you need intense heat to sear a steak or get that extra crisp on your meat skin. In a relatively short period of time, the temperature can reach 750 degrees Celsius, allowing you to enjoy even more of the deliciously roasted meat. It’s also very straightforward to clean up, which is sure to make any barbecue enthusiast pleased.

After being burned, lumpwood charcoal produces almost no ash. And when there is less ash, you can spend less time cleaning up and more time mingling with your guests! The qualities mentioned are some of the better characteristics that go into being a great charcoal. Big K, is a company that provides not just the best charcoal but also many other BBQ related equipment and items. Big K’s Lumpwood charcoal is all organic and produced without the use of any chemicals. There are no artificial additives or any undesirable elements.

Where to find these Charcoal?

Now that we know about the best charcoal for making grills, where exactly can we find them? If you are in the UK market, we highly recommend you check out UK Corner Shop as they have the finest deals on all BBQ requirements and alike. They also have cleaners specifically designed for this occasion, charcoal lighting fluid and a great deal more! Visit their website today and have a wonderful time at the barbecue.

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