American Products

Is Chupa Chups the most popular lollipop in the UK?

is chupa chups the most popular lollipop in uk?

What exactly is a Chupa Chups? A name for a candy organisation? A lollipop? Is it a specific product that springs to mind whenever the word “lollipop” is said, or is it just another product that is so exceptional, it has evolved to represent all lollipops in the world? To put it simply, it is all of those things and much more. Since the inception of the candy industry’s production of lollipops, Chupa Chups have been the most successful product. Whenever people are looking for the genuine lollipop, there is only one exceptional contender and that is Chupa Chups. Of course, the world is full of lollipops of many different brands, but when they are searching for the classic, there is only one original opponent.

In this blog, we will explore the various flavours that it has to offer as well as the reasons why it has become so popular in the manner that it is known in today’s world. Let’s jump right into it and uncover more details about the lollipop along with the reasons on why it is indeed the most popular american candy in the UK.


The story of Lollipop however travels way back in time from the Chinese to Ancient Egypt. Now we don’t want to imagine the Mummy feeding off a delicious treat but the historical record shows that all the ancient beings, who are also our fellow ancestors, have collected nectar and other delectables with the help of a stick. And as time passed, it contributed its fair share in the process of evolution. Later, we had people from the US and Russia, inventing dedicated machines and selling the hard candies.

But it wasn’t until 1931 that George Smith, the owner of the Bradley Smith Company, announced that the term “lollipop”, named after a well-known race horse by the similar name, LolliPop. After that, the industry witnessed rapid expansion, and a large number of well-known companies, such as Charms and Tootsie Pop, entered the competition. However, a Spanish businessman decided to shake things up in the industry a few years after World War II, which resulted in far more people becoming interested in the world of lollipops.

Chupa Chups

The Chupa Chups lollipop, which was first introduced in 1958, is considered by many  more than a candy, to be a legitimate example of classic product design. It was the first sweet on a stick that completely seized the attention of both children and parents, releasing them from the burden of sticky hands. This innovation was first developed by a Spanish businessman named Enric Bernat. It was also the first instance where a confection was presented in a jar on the counter, where it could be looked at by the individuals who bought the majority of it.

chupa chupsEarlier to this, confectionery had only been promoted toward adults and was usually stored on high shelves, which was the least thing possible from an impulse purchase. Even its name, Chupa Chups, was creative; deriving its origin from the Spanish verb chupar, which meant to suck. The icing on the cake? Bernat hired his close friend, the famous Spanish artist, Salvador Dali to design the logo for Chupa Chups. He argues that it was not his best work but rather a rough sketch done over a meeting. Well, little did they both know when the logo remained a timeless classic throughout the years.

The Flavours

Before we get into the flavours, we want to tell you that Chupa Chups has established itself in the candy industry to the point that it is not just manufacturing lollipops but so many other different kinds, not limiting to lollies but cotton candies, bubblegums, soft drinks, and even limited edition ice-creams. The one and only reason? Their flavours, period. Because of its universal popularity and excellent reputation, there has been an increase in the number of  their products.

What’s the catch? There isn’t a single instance! The flavour of these lollipops remains even after the very last bite, in contrast to the flavour of ordinary lollipops. It’s no secret and it is certain that this is one of the important factors that contributes to their widespread popularity not just in the UK but also across other nations.

To answer the question, we are confident that it is the most well-liked lollipop. Nevertheless, in order to provide a definitive response, we need to consult with a sincere sweet tooth from the nation. Visit the UK Corner Shop for exciting deals on Chupa Chups and other delicious treats. There is even a pack of assorted Chupa Chups available, so you don’t have to worry about selecting the right flavour! Happy Shopping.

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