Household Items

Sex, Durex Condoms and Everything in Between

Sex Durex Condoms and everything in between

Since the prevalence of STI’s surging in recent years, it’s smart to always safe with a condom. Apart from that, condoms are also known to delay ejaculation, which in turn makes sexual activity last significantly longer! Nowadays, Durex condoms are readily available, but with so many options, it can be overwhelming to pick one. In this blog post, let’s go through everything we need to know about condoms, from how to select the best one for your needs to how to use it properly.

How do I Choose?

Condoms can protect you from several infections and unintended pregnancies. You may find them in a wide range of shapes, styles, flavours, and textures, all with the goal of making your sex life more enjoyable. Alright, we get that but how do we know which one to select? There are many criterias that go into selecting the one that best suits you.

For instance, if you and your partner are concerned that using condoms would make you less passionate, then a thin condom might be just what you need or maybe one of you has a latex allergy? If that’s the case, you’ll need latex-free condoms.

What About Sizes? – Durex Condoms

When shopping for condoms, size does matter. There is a wide range of sizes and styles of condoms to choose from. The experience could be less satisfying if the condom doesn’t fit properly. Even though there’s no hard and fast rule about it, it’s probably a good idea to pick a condom depending on size before engaging in sexual activity with your partner.

Different brands of condoms may have different sizing charts because each manufacturer develops their own. Take some measurements, and then select the one that fits you best. Now that you know your size, you can look at the condom’s specifications and select one that suits you perfectly. Small, medium, and large are the three standard options for the size of condoms. Remember that a condom offers no guarantees of security in any scenario.

Dotted/Textured Condoms?

A dotted condom can provide for an intimate experience that is both relaxing and exciting. They provide the user with the highest overall stimulation and pleasure. If you and your partner are becoming tired of using ordinary condoms, try trying something different by switching to a condom that has a different texture.

This will keep the situation interesting for the two of you. The majority of women claim that the higher ridges make them feel more aroused and give them a stronger sense of pleasure. Although some people enjoy the enhanced sensitivity that dotted condoms provide, others find that the additional friction is too much for them to handle. Condoms with dots offer the same level of protection as other varieties in this category. However, the best condom for you is the one that meets the specific requirements and preferences you have as an individual.

Flavoured Durex Condoms?

Flavoured condoms, in contrast to standard latex condoms, do not have the taste or smell of latex, which makes oral sex significantly more pleasurable and risk-free. Because they don’t include any latex, flavoured condoms don’t have the lasting smell that latex products do. The designers of condoms have created a broad selection of distinctive flavours, giving couples the opportunity to experiment with something different every time.

The flavours can be chosen in accordance with the pair’s individual preferences and tastes. Oral sexual contact without protection poses a significant risk for infections including HIV/AIDS. The level of safety and protection offered by flavor condoms is equivalent to non-flavor condoms.

Will They Break?

All male and female condoms are prone to tearing and coming loose if the process is not carried out properly. To begin, read the instructions very thoroughly and make sure that you are using it in the correct manner. When you do not use durex condoms correctly, there is a significant risk that they will break or slip off during use.

It is important to avoid using sharp nails or any other sharp items over a condom as this could easily tear it. Never use a female condom and a male condom simultaneously because the friction that is created will cause one of the condoms to break. There is a risk that home lubricants will harm the latex. Therefore, only appropriate lubricants should be used.

The Proper Care

Even though sex is respected or something else altogether, one must never overlook safety. Just using condoms by themselves is not sufficient to ensure protection. Before using a condom, you ought to take a few precautions and acquaint yourself with a number of factors.

  • Kindly refer to the condom packaging for adequate usage guidelines.
  • Locate the expiry date printed on either the package or the wrapper.
  • Examine the label of the lubricant you intend to use to determine whether or not it is suitable for use with condoms.
  • You should store them somewhere cold, away from the path of both direct sunshine and higher temperatures.
  • When engaging in sexual activity, you should always protect both yourself and your partner by using a condom.

UK Corner Shop has all the different varieties of durex condoms and much more! Visit our website today and get exclusive deals. Take care and have a wonderful time.

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